Monthly Archives: June 2021

Dust in the eyes, how to deal with it?

Dust in the eyes how to deal with it?

Dust in the eyes how to deal with it? When dust particles or foreign objects enter the eyes, the body has a mechanism to eliminate them by producing tears to wash them away. The symptoms of dust in the eyes will disappear on their own when the dust

Dust gets into the eyes What should I do?

Dust gets into the eyes What should I do?

Dust gets into the eyes What should I do? Dust entering the eyes is a condition in which debris or dirt such as dust, sand, sawdust, fibers, cosmetic powders Or even the eyelashes accidentally blown or splashed onto the conjunctiva. Which those dust can cause irritation. If

How to take your baby for an eye testing

How to take your baby for an eye testing

How to take your baby for an eye testing. Refractive errors are a common eye health problem. Which occurs when the eyes cannot see objects clearly due to the inadequate concentration of light and refraction of the eye Visual acuity in children. Includes both nearsightedness,  farsightedness and astigmatism. Wearing eyeglasses may

The reason why I have to wear glasses for children.

The reason why I have to wear glasses for children

The reason why I have to wear glasses for children. If your baby is facing eye and vision problems Parents should take their child to an ophthalmologist to check for eye problems. Wearing glasses is very important if your child has vision problems. Because in the early stages of childhood,