How is cystic acne different from other types of acne?

How is cystic acne different from other types of acne?

Cystic acne is a large lump of acne that often contains pus, is swollen, red, and very painful. It is more deeply inflamed, larger, and more severe than other types of acne such as blackheads , whiteheads, pustules, stinging acne whiteheads.

This severe level of inflammation goes deep into the skin layer, destroying the tissue beneath the skin and easily causing acne scars and acne pits.

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What is cystic acne?

Acne Conglobata is a type of inflammatory acne or block pores. However, it is more severe because the inflammation is deep in the skin. It is caused by ufabet the bacteria P. acnes (Propionibacterium acnes) growing and attracting white blood cells to gather in the acne bumps. In addition, the bacteria have enzymes to break down oil (sebum) into fatty acids, which stimulates acne inflammation.

The characteristics of cystic acne are that it may headless acne or have a head (some cases may have 2-3 heads in a single acne). Initially, it will appear as a red bump with no head before becoming more inflamed, causing pain, swelling, redness, and pus to follow.

What causes cystic acne?

The cause of cystic acne is caused by the body’s hormones and behaviors. That really disturb the skin.

  • Factors that cause acne due to hormonal activity
    1. Hormonal changes that cause the body to produce too much androgens (Hyperandrogenism/Hyperandrogenemia) cause the skin to produce too much oil, which can clog the pores and cause severe acne, also known as hormonal acne.
    2. When the number of C. acnes bacteria increases, the immune system stimulates the hair follicles to become inflamed to eliminate the increased bacteria, resulting in acne. 
    3. The sebaceous glands produce too much sebum (Excessive sebum production), causing the face to be oily. 
    4. Inflammation and immune response When foreign substances enter the body, such as germs, bacteria.
    5. Follicular epidermal hyperproliferation
  • Factors from behavior that disturb the skin
    1. Frequent wiping, wiping, or touching the face with unclean hands
    2. Not cleaning makeup properly, using makeup and moisturizers that are not suitable for your skin.
    3. Exercising too much makes you sweat (sweat and oil are the causes of acne)
    4. Sleeping late, not getting enough rest, and being stress 
    5. Drinking less water and frequent sun exposure can dry out the skin.

In addition, cystic acne can also cause by genetics or side effects of certain medications, such as lithium, corticosteroids, as well as dust and pollution.