Avoiding what you are allergic to is the best way.

Thai children are most allergic to dust mites, cockroaches, and animal hair, respectively. Therefore, you should avoid dust both outside and inside the house. Avoid using carpets, having dolls or animal hair in the childcare area. And keep the house clean. Children with allergies should wash their noses regularly every day, especially during times when symptoms occur disease.

During this rainy season, those who suffer from respiratory allergic may have to deal with it a bit more. Because these diseases often visit us during the rainy season. The reason is that during the rainy season, the air is highly humid. And if the weather changes frequently, sometimes hot, sometimes rainy, and sometimes having to go into a room with the air conditioning on. It may make you more susceptible to allergies UFABET 

Health care in the rainy season.

  1. Always take care of your health.
  2. Keep your body warm at all times. Try to avoid sudden changes in temperature and humidity. When the weather gets colder, wear warm clothing. Do not turn on the air conditioner too cold.
  3. If exposed to mist or rain, you should quickly shower and wash your hair with warm water, and quickly dry your body and hair.
  4. Eating healthy, getting enough rest, and exercising regularly will help strengthen our immune system.
  5. If you have just walked through extremely hot weather, you should stand in the shade before moving into an air-conditioned room with cool air to allow your body and nose to adjust. This will help reduce allergy flare-ups.