Although there is no medical information on how keto vegan is good for health. But several studies have shown the benefits of eating plant-based fats. Which is the principle of eating keto vegan as follows:
1. Reduce the death rate from coronary heart disease
The PREDIMED study, a large randomized controlled trial, found that a Mediterranean diet high in vegetable fats Reduce mortality from cardiovascular disease more than other low-fat diets. But the research is still in the study in healthy people. It has not been studied in patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease UFABET
2. Reduce blood fat
One small study compared subjects on a low-carb vegan diet. For 6 months, a low-carb, high-fat vegan diet reduced weight and LDL cholesterol, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels better than the high-carb, low-fat vegan group.

3. Lose weight better than meat eaters.
People who eat vegan also have a better chance of losing weight than people who eat meat or animal products. In a study of 12 subjects over 18 weeks, vegans lost an average of 2.52 kg more than non-vegans.
4. Reduce Diabetes Risk and high blood pressure
There was a study that surveyed people who ate vegan and found that This group of people has a 75% lower risk of developing high blood pressure and a 47-78% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, which is consistent with a study among a group of workers who found that People who ate a low-carb, high-fat vegetarian diet had a lower risk of diabetes. Compared to the meat-eating and normal-eating group